Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Heart & Throat Chakra Smoothie

Tibetan monks believe the body has seven chakras, or energy centers, that power health. This ancient diet aims to nourish each chakra to restore balance in your body. To be beautiful inside and out you can use the smoothie to balance out your heart and throat chakras. The 4th chakra is the heart chakra. It is located in the center of the chest right above the heart. Emotional issues that can effect the heart chakra are;  love, joy and inner peace. The color that represents your is heart chakra is green.  Seek out foods in the color green to heal your heart chakra and open your guarded self and let love in.  Green vegetables and leafy greens  such as spinach and kale are great choices as is green tea.

The 5th chakra, the throat chakra,  is your communication center. Some chakra enthusiast believe that some of our emotions are stored in the base of our throat. The healing color of the throat chakra is blue. While shopping at the grocery store think blueberries, blue potatoes and plums. 

The heart and throat chakra go hand in hand and we all need to balance this out from time to time. You get what you give, and you will radiate beauty when balancing out these two chakras. You  will feel good from the inside out.  Use this smoothie as energy to feed your heart and throat chakras.

To learn more about your 7 Chakras please click here

* I said Chakra 16  times! hahaha!

Heart and Throat Chakra Smoothie

by: Nicole Kraft

1 cup of Kale or Spinach 
1/2 cup Blueberries 
1/2 cup frozen pineapple 
1tsp. coconut oil
1tsp. ground flax (this will feed your solar plexus Chakra)
1tsp. hemp seeds
1 T. organic honey or Agave
1 cup of water or you could use almond, hemp or rice milk
1/2 cup crushed ice if your blueberries are fresh and not frozen.

Blend together and Enjoy! * add more or less sweetener to taste.


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